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Wednesday, December 17,
"LAM Potpourri
Slide Show
& Annual Dinner Meeting"
by LAM Board
& Club Members
Our December
meeting will follow the traditional dinner and Potpourri slide
show format. These Potpourri meetings are a lot of fun, great
food is shared, and family and friends are welcome and invited
to join the party.
Dinner: the meal will
include free drinks, barbeque brisket, and cake provided by the
club. As we did last year we are encouraging club members
bring a potluck side dish to complement the meal. Dinner
will be served at 7:30pm.
Slide Show:
as you know our December meeting includes a variety of wonderful
10-minute talks given by members describing incredible trips and
treks, gorgeous areas, and amazing feats. This year we
already have a number of cool talks lined up, but not enough to
fill the evening. So if you want to give a 10-minute slide
show or song and dance routine, please contact Rick Light at
your earliest convenience (505-474-9722) or