Annual Membership Renewal:
For your convenience we will have a membership table
set up at the December meeting. Dues are currently $15
for an individual, or $20 for a family. Checks payable
to the "Los Alamos Mountaineers", or cash, are
acceptable. New members must sign a waiver. Please
contact membership secretary, Carolyn Bell at
with questions. |
Wednesday, December 16,
"LAM Potpourri
Slide Show
& Annual Dinner Meeting"
by LAM Board
& Club Members
Our monthly
meetings are always open to the public, and you do not need to
live in Los Alamos to belong to the LA Mountaineers.
Potpourri Slide
Show: our December meeting will include six great 10-minute talks given by
our own members, which describe the following incredible
trips and treks, gorgeous areas, and amazing feats:
Irene Powel on
the Galopagos Islands,
Momo Vuyisich
on Lofoten Islands, Norway,
Dave Foster's
trek to Everest basecamp,
Kei Davis's
Confluence Counterpoint Project,
Grilli hiking in Europe/Bryce/Zion,
David Katonak
on trekking in Peru.
Potluck Dinner: our meal
will include drinks and barbeque brisket provided by the club.
As we did last year we are encouraging club members to bring a
potluck side dish to complement the meal. Dinner will be served
at 7:30pm, so an arrival time of 7:20pm is requested.
Note: there is no charge for
members to attend this dinner meeting. Non-members are asked to
become members for the tiny fee of $15/singe or $20/family.
Why become a member?