Program Presenter:
Vaughn Hadenfeldt has been
guiding in the Four Corners region for over 25 years, and
is the owner and guide of
Out Expeditions (FOE) in Bluff, Utah.
While owning and operating a mountaineering store on the western
slope of Colorado, he traveled with a friend to the canyon
country in southeast Utah and was captivated by the incredible
archaeological treasures of the region. Vaughn made use of his
studies in anthropology and his passion for hiking in the
backcountry to create a guide business that specializes in
sharing his knowledge of the cultural and natural histories of
the area while providing a fun and fascinating backcountry
experience for his guests. Named as one of the Best Guides in
the World by National Geographic Adventure Magazine in 2009, he
is widely renowned and has been written about in books and
magazines published around the world. Vaughn and his wife have
lived in Bluff for 13 years.
He’s spent years in the
field seeking out the sometimes subtle, elusive, less visited
remains of prehistoric cultures. Vaughn is a recognized
authority in magazine articles including National Geographic and
books including "In Search of the Old Ones" and the tale of his
latest adventure "Sandstone Spine: Seeking the Anasazi on the
First Traverse of Comb Ridge", both by David Roberts

Vaughn answering
our questions about a panel near Bluff, Utah
To quote David Roberts' "In
Search of the Old Ones", "Nuances of canyonscape, vestigial
Anasazi ruins, all-but-vanished panels of prehistoric rock art,
mountain lion tracks, inscriptions scratched by cowboys with
bullet lead on sandstone walls a century ago – all these
prodigies of the outback Vaughn manages to discover in places
where I would have passed them blithely and ignorantly by."
Many LAM members
have enjoyed Vaughn's wonderful guided field trips during
Bill Priedhorsky's popular
Canyon Country Day Trips to the Bluff area.