Dogruel is a valued member of the Los Alamos Mountaineers.
Over the years he has served the club very well indeed as
President, Vice-President, Climbing School Director, Climbing
School Instructor (for years), and Program Chair. He has
been our A/V Potentate (audio and video man for club
presentations) since 2003.
Dave has
lived in northern New Mexico all of his life. He learned to rock
climb from friends while attending college at New Mexico Tech,
and learned to climb better after taking the LAM Climbing School
in 1988. Lately, he has been bitten by the trail running bug and
has completed half-marathon off-road races and is working his
way up to marathon distance.
Taken at the 2009
Cascade Glacier School
Dave semi-retired from doing scientific research at Los Alamos
National Laboratory, and currently works at REI in Santa Fe as a
sales specialist. Unfortunately, he still doesn't get to
play outside as much as he would like. Life is not all
work however; read about his recent
LAM Presentation.