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Avalanche Transceiver Practice

Sun, 2016-01-10
Alex Adams
Are dogs allowed?: 

Avalanche transceivers are tools you hope you never have to use, but we all sometimes let our searching skills get a little rusty. The plan is to get a group of people together to bury some avalanche transceivers and practice different search strategies. This will involve some trudging around in the snow, some digging, and maybe a little skiing.
If everyone has a Pajarito ski pass, we will likely use the chairlifts, but this trip will be very flexible. If some of us don't have ski passes, then we can collectively hike up into the sidecountry and practice search techniques in some low angle terrain. 
What to bring:
Avalanche transceiver (with batteries), shovel, probe, backpack, water, snacks, extra layers, and a positive attitude. Be prepared to be out in the snow for a couple hours, so dress accordingly (snowpants, jacket). 
If you have touring gear (skins, touring skis/snowboard) I recommend coming equipped with that. I can't say for sure if we will be touring or not; it will all depend on what equipment people show up with.
Let's meet up at Pajarito Ski Area on the afternoon of Sunday, January 10th. Meet at 1:00 pm on the furthest west area of the parking lots (right below the Aspen lift, but still in the parking area). We'll then sort out the trip from there. Total duration ~2 hours.


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