Los Alamos Mountaineers Gear Loan Policy (rev. 7/2023) LAM maintains some equipment for hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, canyoneering, mountaineering, llama trips, and snow sports. Equipment is categorized as durable and non durable. Durable equipment may be borrowed for LAM trips and the private trips of LAM members. Non-durable equipment may only be used for LAM trips. Non-durable describes equipment with distinctly limited service life, e.g., ropes. Durable equipment includes, e.g., ice axes.
The LAM equipment manager, in conjunction with the LAM Board as needed or appealed, has final authority over what equipment, and for what purposes, equipment may be borrowed. LAM equipment can be reserved for LAM trips up to one year in advance. LAM equipment can be reserved by LAM members for private trips up to 30 days in advance. Gear loans for private use are for a single trip and not for an entire season. LAM members are encouraged to present suggestions for equipment acquisition to the LAM board.
Intersection of Trip Policy and Gear Policy Official (public) LAM trips
Sadly, we do not rent gear.
Stuff you can borrow:
Climbing/Mountaineering Helmets |
Ice axes | |
Various Climbing Hexes | |
Various climbing belay devices | |
Various climbing cams | |
Avalanche Beacons | |
Snow Shovels | |
Snow Probes | |
Bear barrels |
Yathin S Krishnappa |
(2) Camping Water Filters | |
Garmin InReach satellite communication device | |
Ice Cleats |
Los Alamos Mountaineers Rope Loan Policy
LAM climbing school ropes are only otherwise available to closely vetted official LAM trips. Consult the equipment manager for particulars if you are contemplating an official LAM trip that needs ropes.
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