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Trail Work

As a community we’ve been here before, anxiously waiting for the spring thaw so that we can begin work on repairing miles of trails damaged by fire and post-fire runoff.
Fortunately, this time we are much better prepared. In the aftermath of the Cerro Grande Fire in 2000, the trail community wasn’t sure if the trails in the burned area would ever be usable again. Over the next six years, volunteers acquired a cache of tools, learned trail building skills, and eventually brought back nearly every mile we once thought of as lost forever.
The Las Conchas Fire impacted about 25 miles of trail between Los Alamos and the ridgeline of the Sierra de los Valles. In Bandelier National Monument, post-fire floods slammed another 20 or more miles. Repairing the trails is a monumental task, but work has already begun and there are plans in motion to accomplish it all.
* What to Bring: water, food, sunscreen
Note: Tools and hard hats will be provided and no experience is necessary.
-- Craig Martin


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