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Diana's Throne

 Diana'sThrone (Zion Canyon).

Knife Edge to Powerline Loop Hike

This hike documents my loop hike from Trailhead #3 to Trailhead #4 along NM 4.  The route involves a combination of terrain from smooth established trails to cross country travel with exposure.  Some beautiful and seldom-seen canyon formations are the highlight of this route.  Views of the Rio Grande canyon area are also included.

This route passes through some of the land that Los Alamos County is requesting be transferred from NSSA to the County.  (May 29 news item)

Cathedral Wash - Marble Canyon Region of Arizona

This report describes two routes in Cathedral Wash that I hiked on consecutive days.

Lower Cathedral Wash is a hiker-friendly canyon with some minor route finding and downclimbs.  It offers a good non-technical canyoneering experience with easy access and good photo opportunites.  This half-day hike ends at the Colorado River.

Spencer Trail to Horseshoe Bend - Vermilion Cliffs Region of Arizona

This solo hike took me from Lee's Ferry to Horseshoe Bend.  The hike involves an ascent of 1700 feet on Spencer Trail, followed by a cross country hike across varied topography.  After Spencer Trail there is no reliable established trail.  The "crux" of the hike involves making a detour to avoid the steep cliffs of a side canyon to the Colorado River.  There are interesting badlands (Death Pockets) to cross and many opportunities to peer into the Colorado River canyon.  Horseshoe Bend has become an extremely popular photographers' destination, but not by this route.

Bonal Springs Hike, Vermilion Cliffs Region of Arizona

My solo hike involved navigating steep cliffs to the top of the Sand HIlls Plateau.  This hike requires considerable route finding, hiking in steep terrain and an ascent up a steep crack to gain the plateau.

Terrain is varied and interesting, including some petrified wood.  The views looking south are rewarding.  There is a man-made "square spring" high on the cliff and an Anasazi ruin on the top of the plateau.  This is a lovely area, and the weather in mid-March was a lucky combination of light night-time precipitation and cool day-time temperatures.

Lower Water Canyon

To access the trailhead, drive south and west from White Rock on NM 4 for about two miles. I accessed the canyon from Gate #7, which is below road grade and not visible from the road. Park on the south side of the road across from a gate to LANL property to avoid hassles from laboratory security. Proceed through the gate and walk southeast on the well-marked trail.

Top Roping

The Overlook
Thu, 2019-09-12

Top Roping

Old New Place
Tue, 2019-09-10

Top Roping

New New Place
Thu, 2019-09-05

Top Roping

The Y
Tue, 2019-09-03


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