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Winter's here, its time to go skiing

Sun, 2016-12-04
Michael Altherr
505 231 3561
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 

Time to feel the snow under those boards that have been collecting dust for the past couple of months. Let's go test our muscle memory on a modest day ski in the Cumbres Pass area. The objective being Dixie Creek to the overlook (approximately 8 mile out and back). Looks like 2' of base and an additional 5" fresh expected in the next 36h. Los Alamos folks, lets meet in the LANB parking lot at 07:00, departing at 07:15. Folks from White Rock we can meet at the Y, departing at 7:30. Folks from SF can meet us at the Northern NM campus parking area, departing at 8:00.

We'll plan a burrito break at Bodes, and a cloths change at the Chama Visitor Center.  We can entertain dinner suggestions if there is interest. In the absence of dinner, the anticipated return to Los Alamos is approximately 18:00. Presumably, you've done this before so you should know what you'll need, but call me if you have any questions or concerns.

Please send me an email if you plan to come that includes your cell phone number and your anticipated meeting location. We'll attempt to distribute ourselves in appropriate carpools. Dogs and their well-behaved human companions are welcome, but be aware their may be snowmobile activity in the area especially near the road where we head in.

Happy Trails


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