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60th Anniversary Celebration

Wed, 2012-11-28

Greetings Los Alamos Mountaineers,

Happy Anniversary! The honor of your presence is cordially requested
at the 60th Anniversary celebration of our club on November 28, 2012
at Fuller Lodge. We will be celebrating this momentous occasion with a
series of special presentations, rememberances and a potluck dinner.
The meeting will start at 6:30, and we will start lining up for dinner at 6:45 p.m. 

The Club will provide some delicious brisket from Bob's Bodaccious for
all. Please bring one of your favorite recipies to share and whatever
you care to drink. 
Featured speakers will include:
Chris Foster
Eiichi Fukushima
Don Liska
Norbert Ensslin will acknowledge past members.

Finally, please send me 2-3 digital images of your favorite LA
Mountaineer associated activities. In addition, I would be
particularly interested if you have any digital images of our departed
members involved in club activities that we could consider for
inclusion in our rememberance. Please include the location and names
of the members in the image.

With Regard,

Michael Altherr
2012 Program Coordinator

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