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Places LAM members still visit, as they were 50+/- years ago. Faded slides and memories from Ray and Joy Green

Tue, 2018-08-28

This talk will present slides from several of many trips that Ray and Joy Green made with various groups to the Utah canyon country in the late 1960’s. The Los Alamos Mountaineers continue to frequent these areas (and capture far more impressive images of it with superior equipment), so the emphasis will be on what has changed in the last half century. In particular, we intend to note differences in natural environments (invasive species), roadways and access, land administration and rules of use, and recreational usage. Some of the locations we intend to show include Cathedral in the Desert, Davis Gulch, the Burr trail and Boulder to Escalante road, Orderville Gulch, and Squaw Flats and its surrounding trails.


Eighty-foot free rappel into Cathedral in the Dessert, Escalante area Utah, March 1965. Today this would be called canyoneering, but no one on the trip pictured here called it that at the time. Now most of this scene is submerged under Lake Powell:

Trip Location: 
United States
37° 4' 22.8144" N, 111° 14' 51.72" W

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