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Hermit Peak hike to summit

Sat, 2018-05-26
Bill Priedhorsky
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Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

In an exploration of a New Mexico classic that I’ve never done, this hike will take the standard route up Hermit Peak on Saturday, May 26, which is Memorial Day.  Hermit Peak, at the southeastern corner of the Pecos Wilderness, is a rocky sentinel reaching 10,212 feet that looks out over the high plains of northeastern New Mexico.  We will hike out and back to the summit, for a total of 2,700 vertical feet and 8 miles round trip. The hike is via a good trail.

We will leave the trailhead at 9:00 AM for a hike that might last 7 hours. I recommend staying overnight  Friday night in Las Vegas, NM, at the Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, which looks out on the plaza and fictional sheriff Walt Longmire’s office. Reservations can be made at Those not staying in Las Vegas will need to leave Los Alamos at 6:30 AM. I expect the hike to take all day. Those interested can stop for dinner in Santa Fe on the way home to Los Alamos.

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