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Windsor Trail Hike

Sat, 2017-10-14
Jean Dewart
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 

Let's try a "key exchange" hike of the Windsor Trail (trail #254) in the Pecos Wilderness of the Santa Fe National Forest.  One group will hike from the Santa Fe Ski Basin to the Windsor Trail head just west of Cowles (14 miles, 1200' elevation gain, 2800' down) and one group hiking from the Windsor Trailhead just west of Cowles to the Santa Fe Ski Basin (14 miles, 2800' elevation gain, 1200' down).   We will exchange keys on the trail (or possibly before leaving Los Alamos, if folks have 2 sets of keys), and both groups will meet back in Santa Fe, to re-exchange cars, and possibly go out to dinner.  


(if you don't live in Los Alamos, we will figure out where you should start hiking, to end up with your car at the end).


We will work out the driving details together.  You will need to be comfortable with someone else driving your car.  It is 75 minutes from Los Alamos to the SF Ski Basin and it is 1 hour 45 minutes from Los Alamos to Cowles.  I think we will try to leave Los Alamos by 6:30 am (at least the folks starting at Cowles).  

We need at least 4 people (2 cars) to do this hike.  The Cowles to SF Ski Basin hike is more difficult (~ 7 hours) than the SF Ski Basin to Cowles (~6 hours), so folks should think about which direction they would like to hike.  Also, if there is a huge snow storm, we would probably consider cancelling, due to the hike going up to 11,000' elevation.  


If your interested in this hike, send me an email, by Thurs Oct 12, at jdewart@qcom 


Hope you can come.  




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