Trip Leader and
Judy Opsahl.
Kathleen Gruetzmacher & Wendall Brown and children, Michael and
Elena, Jan Watson, Patti Walls, Mike & Kyle Wheeler, Ray & Joy
Green, Linda and Mike Fazio, Felicia Orth & Evan Rose, Judy & Dick
We had a great trip to Skinner Hut
this year, thanks to a great group of participants, all of who
contributed to the enjoyment of the trip, to wonderful food (how
often do you get fresh spring rolls at 11,600 ft), and great hiking
(and lots of wildflowers). We assembled at the Columbine Inn in
Leadville to carpool up to the Hut, arriving there mid-morning.

We had continuously
great views from the Skinner Hut windows.
Our plan to begin our various hikes
right after getting settled in was interrupted by intermittent
afternoon rain showers. Still, most of us managed to hike to
Hagerman Pass (11,998 ft, 1.3 miles from the hut) and back between
and sometimes in rain showers. It was cool, so we had our happy hour
around the wood stove.

This evening was
the first of our gourmet dinners.
The next day was sunny and we divided
up on various different hikes, some going to a remote lake beyond
the Hut, some to an abandoned railroad track and a series of lakes
below the Hut, and two along the continental divide ridge south of
Hagerman Pass. We gathered afterwards to share our adventures.
Another great dinner, and . . . .

Mount Massive
was.....well, Massive!
Sunday two groups decided to climb Mt
Massive, which meant getting up in the dark to get to the trailhead
early. Dick Opsahl, and Linda and Mike Fazio planned to take a
little used route suggested by Jan Studebaker, starting about 2
miles from the Hut. Evan Rose and Felicia Orth planned to drive
around to Half Moon Campground and go up the standard route. The
Opsahl/Fazio group encountered some thick marshland (foreground,
photo above), which slowed them. They were on one of the peaks of
Massive, but not the actual summit, when their agreed upon 1PM
turnaround time came, so they did not go to the official summit.
They were home in time for dinner (we all have our priorities). Evan
and Felicia summited about 2 PM, but had a difficult descent and got
back to the Hut at 9PM; we of course saved then some dinner). The
rest of us hiked up Mt. Divide, a twelver near Hagerman Pass, and an
easy day.

Before leaving the
Hut on Monday we took a group photo on the porch of the Hut.