Laurie Goddard
Participants: Tuff Riders
and LAM members. Map:
Laurie Goddard of the Tuff Riders led
the third joint LAM/Tuff Riders mountain bike ride down Obsidian
Ridge in the Jemez Mountains. The ride started at Graduation Flats
and went east through Sawyer Mesa, past Obsidian Ridge, to the
Bandelier National Monument boundary where we turned around and
retraced our route. The ponderosa pine forest gradually dropped in
elevation to a pinon and juniper environment with fleeting views of
Frijoles Canyon, Alamo Canyon, and the Sangra de Cristo and Sandia

Some of our bikers
enjoying a break at the midway point of the ride.
This great ride was 14 miles long,
counting a short side trip to an Upper Frijoles Canyon view point.
The terrain surface was old forest road and double track, with some
deep but rideable ruts toward the end.

This is a view
looking south-east, through Bandelier,
from the turn-around point of our ride.