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Pilar to Rio Grande Gorge bridge mountain bike ride

Sun, 2013-11-03
Jean dewart

Let's do the out/back mountain bike ride, along the Rio Grande gorge.   Start above the Taos Junction bridge, near Pilar, NM.  Bike ride is on a dirt road, along the rim of the gorge.  Some sand on the road.  Very nice views of the gorge and of the Sangres.  It is 8-9 miles to the Rio Grande Gorge bridge - return to cars for a total ride length of 16-18 miles.
Each rider will need a spare tube, patch kit, pump, water, and lunch.  (a fair number of goat heads on this ride).
Leave Los Alamos at 9 am (note - this is the first day of daylight savings time), return about 4 pm.  Email Jean - to sign up.  We'll arrange carpooling.  If there is a big snowstorm - we'll go snowshoeing instead!

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