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Avalanche Forecasting in Northern New Mexico

Tue, 2017-04-25

Please join us Tuesday, April 25 at the Los Alamos Nature Center for a presentation by Andy Bond of the Taos Avalanche Center.

Andy Bond and Graham Turnage founded the Taos Avalanche Center in 2016 as an independent nonprofit. Located in an area that has significant avalanche prone terrain, the Center seeks to inform skiers of current conditions and risks. The Center combines weather reports with on the ground observations and measurements to provide important safety information for users of the national forest. Andy will describe their methods in his talk, and his talk will focus on avalanche forecasting standards, a season recap and how avalanche centers can better provide information to it's users.

Andy Bond has experience on ski patrol at the Taos Ski Valley and outside New Mexico. He has also worked as a mountain guide.

Social at 6:45, reports of recent and upcoming trips at 7:00pm. Program at 7:30pm.


Photo 1:  Andy witnessing an ice fall.

Photo 2: Andy investigating an early season snow pack with lots of facets


Trip Location: 
United States
36° 33' 1.1808" N, 105° 26' 43.4544" W

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