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Bandelier Exploration

Sun, 2015-10-25
Jean Dewart

Let's take a hike in Bandelier's backcountry, to see some lovely ruins and petroglyphs.
(The trip will be a hard hike if you are in moderate shape and it will be a moderate hike if you are in good shape)
This is a 14 mile round trip hike, of which about 1/2 will be on regular maintained trails.  The other half will include some following of cairned trails, and some bushwacking and route finding, in part due to the great crop of grasses and weeds we have from the summer rains.  I expect this to take 8 hours round trip, possibly 9 hours, due to the route finding needed. 
Bring rain gear, lunch, 2 quarts of water, sunscreen.  If you have walkie talkies, set to 3.14, please bring them.  If there is dew, you may want a pair of gaiters, as the grasses/weeds will soak your pant legs in the morning. 
I'd like to start hiking at 7:30 am from the Bandelier's Visitor's Center, so we will arrange carpools, depening upon who is coming.
Sign up by sending an email to me at    Hope you can come.  

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