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Osier X-C Ski Trip

Sat, 2015-02-14
Jean Dewart

Hi all - Let's do a 16 mile X-C ski loop trip at Cumbres Pass.  We will drive to Chama and spend the night Saturday at a motel, and ski on Sunday.  


Here is the way the trip will work on Sunday:


Drop a car at the Neff Mountain trailhead, just north of Cumbres Pass.  Drive over to the Spruce Hole trailhead - and ski up the road past the Spruce Hole yurt, then up to the top of Pinorealosa Peak.  Ski south on the ridge top, to a southern "subpeak" of the mountain - then head to the south east, to the Osier town/railroad station.  Ski back to the Neff Mtn trail head on the railroad tracks (the tracks are public access allowed).


It is about a ~16 mile ski.  I have done the first 6 miles and the last 6 miles.  The middle part of the trip will be a GPS-map adventure - the topo map makes the middle part look pretty straightforward.  It's about 700 ft of uphill and 1200 ft downhill total - so, no really steep parts - backcountry touring skis (metal edges) with fish scales will be the best ski.  I want to do the trip in good weather, so that visibility is good.  If there was a big snow storm - I wouldn't go.  I'd like to have 4 people minimum - and take some significant safety gear (stove, bivy sack, headlamps, etc.  not overkill - but prudent).  


Last year, Scott, Bart & I skied the railroad tracks to (almost) Osier - we found that the railroad tracks hold snow, but the high tresstle bridge over Cascade Creek does not hold snow - so you can just take your skis off and walk across.  (I am somewhat afraid of heights - so, this is good news for me!).  


I want to start the Osier loop ski very early in the day - at dawn - I think it will be an 8 hour trip.  This would let us finish before mid-afternoon - giving us some leeway.  


For participants who can - I'd like to get together (with your GPS!) prior to the trip to go over the topo maps.  I'll schedule this when I hear who is coming.  


Hope you can come!



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